Donate to St Peter's Upper Riccarton & Yaldhurst
At St Peter's Upper Riccarton & Yaldhurst, we rely on the generosity of our members and supporters to continue our mission. Your donation can help us in many ways, from maintaining our church to supporting our community outreach programmes.
Ways to donate:
In Person
If you prefer to donate in person, we welcome you to join us for our services and make a donation then. You can also visit our church office during office hours to make a donation.
If you wish to send us money directly through your bank, please use the information below.
Bank: Bank of New Zealand
Upper Riccarton Christchurch
Account Number:
If you would like to make an enquiry about donating, please contact our office
Help us restore our
St Peter's building
We need your help. St Peter’s Anglican Church plays a significant role in the community. The oldest Anglican stone church in the city of Christchurch, St Peter’s Anglican Church is connected with approximately a dozen community groups. Listen to David Winfield talk about the project. Also, listen to Nick Mountfort and David Winfield talk to a CTV reporter about the restoration project.
Restoration Target
Current: $2,330,191
Target: $2,460,000

From the time that the considerable damage caused by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes had been assessed, the parishioners at St Peter's were determined to maintain their 150 year plus links to the site and put the church back on Church Corner.
The refurbishment of this special church provides St Peter's with a historic and visible space for community activities to take place and for the congregation to meet and worship.
Thanks to our Supporters
Trust & Grant Supporters

Significant Gifts
Race Day Supporters
Avon City Ford
Barnswood Farm
Couplands Bakery
de Spa Cosmetics
The Fleming Family - Bhima Throughbred
Murfitt Family (Corin Murfitt, Phil Murfitt)
RA Shearing Contractors
Riccarton Stud, Corin Murfitt and
Sherrill and Geoff Moreton
Sherrill Moreton
Living Stones
Hugh Tennent
Paul C Rhodes
Bob Shearing
David & Jo Winfield
Corin & Bobbity Murfitt
ME Sheaf
Nick Mountfort & Rosemary Talbot
Bill & Jane Gilroy
Ray Coupland
Robin & Jocelyn McSporran
Pat Murfitt
Carole Graham & Tony Courage
Murray and Irene Humm
Jennifer Calder
Neroli Allen
Rosemary Jones
I.B. Balloch
P Ledingham
Sue Robb
Ken & Bea James
Michelle & Geoff Butler
Anne & David Boyd
SueAnne Reinish
Marilyn Dempster
Sally and Warren Dobbs
Dennys & Gwen Guild
TW Burrows
Philip and Adrienne Robinson
Mike & Gaynor Clayton
Heather Shaw
Michael Boxall
D. Reyland
P.M. Dinwiddie
Tony & Jenny Dotulong
Neil Paintin
WY Haines
VK Chung
St Peter's Excercise Class
The Estate of Olive Jones
Chantal Moreton
Margaret Kent
Hugh & Janice Cheeseman
Janet Noonan
K.C. & B.R. James
Geoffrey Beadel
Gerald Lascelles
Lindy Gilbert
Stephanie Wild
Dr. Robert Boyd
Haydn & Adeline Hill
Leigh and Tony Craythorne
Graham and Janet Allen
Gayle Groves
Elizabeth Goodwin
Megan Woods
Fay and Fergus Gillon
Beryl Richardson
Chris & Helen Parry-Jennings
Individual Giving
Adeline Wu
Michelle Butler
H.B. Ambler
J.M. McQuarrie
E.F. Laugesen
Fay Mangos
J.M. Bonniface
W.A. Wright
G.F. Hight
P.J. Chamberlain
Trebilco family
B.G Haberfield
C Scanlan
E Geary
E.Y. Hill
C.A. Tse
D.J. Osborne
P Robinson
Pamela Galbraith
Mrs P. Harrison
Margaret Kent
Judith Bylett
Thelma Chalk
Don Donnithorne
Luoman Li
Xiounuan De
Simon Apes
Ron Godkin
Janet Baldwin
Olga Holloway
Keith & Jean Ross
Ashley Leggatt
Gary Wolf
Paul Grundy
Jill Lyall
P & S Dinwiddie
Kevin McCrea
Lion Breweries
Audrey Potter
Arthur & Julia Northcote
Milly Varty
Liz Moolenaar
D.M. Lang
Sue Bridges
Anne Askey
Derrick Jacob
Maurice Nicholas
NS Hollingworth
G & E Cant
AE Risley
J Nuthall
TJ & DB Rout
Liz Moollenaar
Kylie Malin
J Bylett
L Gilbert
S Barrer
Rory Creagh
M.L. Johnston
A Woods
MD & DM Gillies
F.A. Richards
Wayne Wang
Peter Bebb
St. Peter's Cathedral in Adelaide, Australia
St Peter's Anglican Church in West End, QLD, Australia
NZGSM Presentation Community
Multi Cultural Ministry Group
Mark Milke & Janet Bray
Sio Siua Mai
Nurse Maude Association
Joseph & Sandra McDowell
Vicki Buck
JA & FA Strachan
John Higgins
A & A Trolove
A & E Kinraid
Sheldine Pennington
M McIndoe
Noeline Coutts
Valerie McBride
Graeme Larkin
Joan Green
Viola Port
Keith Spragg
Margaret Morton
S Baker
J Hoy
H.L. Cliffin
R & Z Polson
Neil McLeod
St Peter's AAW
Eyline Optical
Kaikoura parish
Mataka Residents Assoc
Evening Fellowship
Keeping Good Company
Audrey's Singers
Mayfair Resthome
Homestead Ilam
Maples Lifecare
HD Farm Direct
St Peter's Church, Chester, UK
Methodist Church
Barbara Clarke
SD & B Bristowe
Frank D Whillis
Audrey's Entertainers